Published On: October 29th, 2023|Categories: Plan Management|Tags: |

What happens if I don’t spend all my NDIS funding?

Have you ever wondered what happens to your NDIS funding when you have some money left over? It’s a common question, and many NDIS participants are curious about it. In this blog, we will explore what you can do with your leftover NDIS funds and offer some practical tips on how to make the most of them.

Understanding Leftover NDIS Funding

Question 1:

“What happens if I don’t spend all my NDIS funding?”

When your plan comes to an end, any leftover funds won’t carry over to your next plan; instead, they’ll be returned to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). To make sure your funding is used wisely, it’s crucial to monitor your spending throughout the year and adjust as needed. Whether you receive funding for the same unspent supports in your next plan depends on various factors, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for this.

Question 2:

“Will I get less funding in my next NDIS plan review if I still have remaining funding on my current NDIS plan?”

The good news is that having leftover NDIS funding doesn’t mean your future funding will be reduced. The NDIA determines your next plan based on your current disability-related support needs, not by looking at the funds you didn’t spend in your previous plan.

Reasons for Unspent NDIS Funding

There are several reasons why participants may not spend all their NDIS funding:

  1. Significant or Urgent Change in Circumstances: Sometimes, your life circumstances change, and your current plan no longer meets your needs. In such cases, it’s essential to reassess your plan to ensure it aligns with your current situation.
  2. Lack of Local Supports: If you’re in a rural area or outside major cities, you might struggle to find suitable local providers. This can make it challenging to utilize all your funding.
  3. Difficulty Choosing Providers: Selecting the right NDIS provider is a significant decision. If you find that your chosen provider isn’t working out, remember that you have the power to change providers at any time.

Maximizing Your Unused Funding

Our experienced Plan Managers have some valuable tips to help you make the most of your remaining NDIS funding:

  1. Know Your Plan: Understanding where your funding is allocated is crucial. This knowledge helps you ensure that none of your funds go to waste. To make budget tracking easier, consider using YCPM’s free budget tracking app. Contact us to download yours today.
  2. Seek Guidance: If you find it challenging to understand your plan or allocate supports, don’t hesitate to seek assistance. If you are self-managed, you can contact the NDIS directly. If you are Plan Managed, Help at Hand is just a call away and can guide you step by step in finding the best course of action for your needs.
  3. Explore Alternatives: If you can’t find local providers, consider looking into alternative providers or telehealth options. Sometimes, the right provider may not be just around the corner.
  4. Make the Most of Your Core Supports’ Flexibility: Your Core supports budget is quite flexible. It means you can shift money from one category to another. Depending on what your goals, you may choose to use this funding to support volunteering, work experience or learning a new skill.
Last Updated: January 22nd, 2024|

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