SIL Expression of Interest

Let us help you find your new home.

Tell us about what you are looking for

We understand how important it is for you to find the right home, so it is best for you to contact us as early as possible, as finding the right place can take some time.

Please use the form below to contact us.

We take your expression of interest and will work together to help you find the right place.

If you would like to speak to our care team please contact us on 03 8699 8211, or click here.

What are the next steps?

There is a bit of journey to go through for Supported Independent living (SIL)

  1. Give us a call to speak to the team on 1300 822 190
  2. Meet with a Care Coordinator in person to understand and discuss your needs
  3. We will then work with you, and your support coordinator to work out your needs and create a Roster of Care
  4. We submit your Roster of Care to the NDIA for approval
  5. We then complete documentation and agreements
  6. You move into your new home and receive services to live independently

Frequently asked questions

The best place to start is to contact your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator to ask if you are suitable for Supported Independent Living.
The NDIS basis for receiving SIL Funding is based on your suitability vs eligibility. This means that the NDIS looks at your goals, aspirations, current living arrangement, independent skills, what kind of supports are needed to achieve your goals, support information that you provide, reports and assessments, other potential housing arrangements and what help is reasonable and necessary for you to receive.

SDA or Specialist Disability Accommodation is a range of housing that is designed for people who want to live independently and may have extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

SDA properties have accessible features to help residents live more independently and allow Help at Hand Support Services to provide improved and safer support. To learn more click here.

SIL or Supported Independent Living is the support that Help at Hand Support Services provides to you, to help you with your daily needs whilst living at an SDA or at your property.

SIL funding covers the cost of support staff wages, to allow for quality supports and some other supports. You can split these costs with any house mates that have similar needs but this is worked out at the initial point.

The funding amount you have been approved for will depend on the quote provided by Help at Hand Support Services. This quote is based on your care needs, as well as potentially the care of any other residents in your SIL home.

There are a number of items that SIL funding does not cover and it is important for you to be aware of these.

      • Everyday expenses
      • Holidays
      • Care in a hospital
      • Activities outside the house such as transport, shopping etc
      • SDA related costs (this is the responsibility of the SDA provider and part of the SDA Funding)

We understand that this can be a bit challenging and scary but we are here to help. We need to ask for some information to help us better understand your needs and goals to better assist you.

We may ask you to provide the following documents

      • Behavioural assessments or plans
      • Incident reports
      • Police reports
      • Risk assessments
      • Standardised assessments
      • Occupational therapy report and other allied health reports

Book A Care Consult

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