How do I become plan managed?

Life gets easier once you know how

Request Plan management

It is important to remember that Plan Management is not given you to you automatically. It is something that you need to request.

If you didn’t get plan management as part of your initial plan, you can request an early plan review, you also need to make it known that you would like to include plan management in that review.

The good thing is that when you request plan management you do not need to explain to the NDIS why you want to have plan management and there are no eligibility requirements.

So to clarify, you need to request for plan management and it will be automatically approved and put in with your NDIS plan. Help at Hand Support (HAHS) is ready to help.

Why choose HAHS plan management?

Smart Tech

Using smart tech makes life easier for you

Tailored Solutions

Individualised solutions that suit you


We are experienced in providing NDIS services

Done Right

Delivering on great service is our guarantee

How to request Plan management?

Good news you can request to be plan managed in multiple ways

Planning Meeting

In your planning meeting, request to have “improved choices” included in your plan and let your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIS planner know that you wish to be plan managed.

Switch Providers

If you are already plan managed you can request for HAHS to become your plan managers. You can do this any time by contacting us.

Plan Review

Now that your plan is on the way, it is still not too late. You can request to change to plan managed at any time.

Switch to Help at Hand Support today

Helping you make the most out of your NDIS Plan

Help at Hand Support is your NDIS provider for your plan management.

We bring together a range of experience, technology and passion to help you.

We are here to make life simpler for you.

Noah’s Story

Noah’s first NDIS plan was recently approved. Noah’s NDIS plan included funding for group therapy and community activities. Noah has chosen to plan-manage his funding and has engaged a plan management provider with the assistance of his Local Area Coordinator. Two months into Noah’s plan, the Plan Manager notices they have not received any invoices for group therapy or community activities.

The Plan Manager contacts Noah to discuss, and Noah explains this is the first time he has received funding for supports, and is yet to engage with group therapy or community activities. Noah also shares he is not aware of any providers in his community. The Plan Manager encourages Noah to speak to his Local Area Coordinator to obtain more assistance with finding and connecting with providers based on Noah’s NDIS plan goals.

Please note that this story is from NDIS’s Guide to Plan Management.

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